Retail Solutions

From platform launches to major game releases and on the shelf and sales training materials ran through my team. I drove the creative direction; ensured my team met marketing and retailer-specific needs; and smoothed the way to meet all production deadlines.

PlayStation Exclusive Partnerships

Role: Creative Director, Project Manager
Scope: Design strategy, tactical execution and design tools needed for 3rd Party games at retail
Timing: 12 weeks

For more PlayStation Exclusive Partnerships.

PlayStation 4 Launch

Role: Creative Director, Project Manager
Scope: Design strategy, led tactical execution and created design language for worldwide PlayStation 4 at retail. Project variables included multiple form factors, store layouts and on shelf executions for retailers like Best Buy, GameStop, Target and Walmart to name a few. Items ranged from a full takeovers to one-off handouts for product eduction.
Timing: 9 months

For more PlayStation 4 Launch & Retail.


Role: Creative Director, Project Manager
Scope: Work with the Channel Marketing, Sales and retail partners to develop and deliver game-specific Point of Purchase materials leading up to launch.
Timing: 4 months

For more PlayStation Games and Retail.