WD_Black & BattlefIeld 2042 (Concept)
The initial art supporting the partnership between Western Digital and Electronic Arts was very light. Both EA and Western Digital wanted to leverage the other’s brand.
Scope: Design the key art for all marketing materials and packaging.
Role: Creative Director and Designer
Timing: 2 weeks before stakeholder review
EA provided this teaser art asset for the WD_Black integration.
I advocated to include the “gamers” from the WD_Black LED products.
Phase 1
The EA team did not have much to share for the WD_Black partnership, just the logo and a dynamic background dubbed the “heat signature.” With EA’s assets, I leveraged the actors from the WD_Black campaign with the WD_Black product to bring designs suited to the gaming audience.
Phase 2
Before Phase 1 could be shared, EA delivered a hero from the game and a massive scene to leverage. It was unclear how heavily we could use the new assets, so the team covered a range of options. These are my designs for the pitch.
My concepts did not make the final cut for EA to review. Instead the emphasis was put fully on the WD_Black assets with a small callout to EA’s game.